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Dessin cycliste

The foreshore, a difficult habitat

The foreshore is the coastal strip which undergoes daily the recovery of the high tides, and the withdrawal of low tides. It is therefore an area flooded by marine waters a part of the day, and in the open the other half of the time. In other words, to live in this place, it must be damn resistant or at least adapted to these very particular conditions.


To live on the foreshore, you have to be able to support :

  • The salinity of the water which can be very variable : very strong with the phenomenon of evaporation, low due to rainfall, and strong again with the return of the tide.
  • The immersion, then a few hours after, the exondation.
  • Very large temperature differences in a few minutes (in a puddle in the sun and then covered by the tide).
  • Exposure to sometimes violent winds, which also involves the force of the waves.

Every living creature must therefore invent a wealth of imagination to adapt to this situation for the least complicated.
Foreshore can be sandy (beaches) or rocky.

Extract from Eau & Rivières de Bretagne